วันอาทิตย์ที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555

Pimp my Roor Bong w/ Marbles w/ Grid Diffuser Downstem w/ Inline Precooler w/ Active Carbon Adaptor

Pimp my Roor Bong w/ Marbles w/ Grid Diffuser Downstem w/ Inline Precooler w/ Active Carbon Adaptor Tube. Duration : 1.18 Mins.

I've Pimped My Roor bong (Value : 0)... I put a EHLE active Carbon system Adaptor (Value ) on a WEEDSTAR Inline precooler (Value : ) with a REVOLVERRE grid diffuser downstem (Value : ) and some STONES DIFFUSION white marbles (Value : ) . Total Value : 0. Results : F***ING SICK!!! Now i can take big great hits!!! Hehehe Thanks to websites: Grasscity (for commercial stuff) Everyonedoesit (for commercial stuff too) rainboweyecenter /stones (for STONES Diffusion) Aqualab (for high quality craftsman's stuff)


Tags : Activated Carbon Regenerated Activated Carbon Service North Eastern Starch | แป้งมันสำปะหลัง

