วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555

Things to consider when buying a power filter with suggestions.

Things to consider when buying a power filter with suggestions. Tube. Duration : 12.30 Mins.

Just some things to think about when buying a new power filter. Mostly for new comers, but want to have info for everyone. Also my suggestions and some review of what you should get. This being my first real video contact me if you have any suggestions or questions. I will get better at this and have better quality when and if this starts to take off. Thanks! Edit - First off just FYI; Media is any material that is used for any kind of filtration. Example: The sponge in the aquaclear is the MEDIA used for mechanical filtration. I just wanted to add incase some newer people didnt catch it, there are 3 kinds of filtration a tank needs which is Mechanical, Chemical, and Biological. Mechanical entails pretty much anything that can take loose particles out of the water and there are many different ways and media of doing this. Chemical filtration is used to take out impurities in the water as well as odors, and discoloration. Most systems use activated carbon to do this for freshwater aquaria and is what I suggest using for such. Biological filtration is basically bacteria that breaks down organic pollutants and compounds; that form in a variety different places and media. My favorite and probably any experienced aquarist favorite media for biological media is Bio-Max which is the top or 3rd layer on the AquaClears.


Thanks To : Regenerated Activated Carbon Service แป้งมันสำปะหลัง | North Eastern Starch North Eastern Starch | แป้งมันสำปะหลัง

