วันศุกร์ที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2555

EmerladPlanet - Health Care, Water, and Communications for a Green World

EmerladPlanet - Health Care, Water, and Communications for a Green World Tube. Duration : 58.00 Mins.

Subscribe to our channel for upcoming shows and environmental information. Studio Guests: Dr Juan Montaro: Founder Physicians for Peace/ Philippines Mr. John Knight:Founder, Seeing Clearly Project, Physicians for Peace Mr. Roy Fritz: COO, LIFESAVER USA ======================================================== Physicians for Peace was founded in 1989, dedicated to the ideal that health care in the developing world can best be improved by providing training and education to health care professionals in those countries. One volunteer medical professional from overseas may train as many as 10 of their in-country peers who will potentially heal thousands or tens of thousands of patients in the world's most undeserved populations such as the Southern Philippines. By focusing on long-term, sustainable, replicable medical education and training, PFP/Philippines sends teams of medical volunteers — including physicians, dentists, nurses, physical therapists, physician assistants, and other healthcare professionals throughout the hundreds of main islands within the Philippines especially the southern conflict zones where their teaching and healing skills are needed most. Since its inception, Physicians for Peace/Philippines through the good offices for Dr. Juan Montaro and his colleagues in Virginia Beach, Virginia USA have made dozens of trips changing the lives of countless thousands of people in small cities, towns, and rural areas. The Seeing Clearly program provides education ...


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