Marny Stanier on January 29th 1995 in a Public Service Announcement as to the importance of Carbon Monoxide detector. The following does not represent the views of youtube nor anyone in this video, just the up-loader.. My 2cennt (NOT wx related) which will seem as silly but, if i get to present an international crime begun ~late 1960s (some already criminals others, vets that had to make a buck and chose the criminal side)when the public will know why,NOT to use detectors that show they are working with clicking or noise emitting LEDs, just a flashing LED and a test button for the alarm is my recommendation. Same with water/electric meters that click s they should be whisper quiet. These are the same people that use remote controls to set off those car alarms ans at times cell phone their criminal buddies to pass by in a loud motorcycle or truck as to make the public think it was he loud vehicle that set of the car alarm. Those whom know understand car alarms are not set off in 2009 by loud vehicles. Why post this here, why not it's a comment that when understood in its entirety will save this county from a take over by serval mob groups,honest.
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