Fauna: Cardinal Neon Tetras, Red Cherry Shrimps, Assassin Snails Flora: HC (Dwarf Baby Tears), Riccia (Crystalwort), Marimo Balls, Duckweed, Dwarf Anubias Nana, Banana Plants, Brazilian Pennywort, Red Ludwigia, Dwarf Hairgrass, Java Fern Tank/Stand: JBJ Nano-Cube DX, Oceanic Biocube Stand for 14 Gallon Tanks Lighting: JBJ 1 x 6500K & 1 x 10000K (to replace tank's Actinic/10000K bulbs) Substrate: Flourite Filter Motor: Marineland Mini-Jet 404 (to replace tank's strong pump) CO2 Setup: 5lbs CO2 Tank, Aquatek Dual Gauge CO2 Pressure Regulator, Nutrafin Bubble Counter/Diffuser Ladder Heater: Marineland Visi-Therm Submersible Heater Misc Accessories: Timer for CO2 Regulator and Lights, Aqueon Plant Aquarium Food, Activated Charcoal in middle filter chamber This is a self-contained aquarium with minimal input required. In general all I have to do regularly is change 25% water, trim plants, scrape the algae on glass, feed the fish and dose plant nutrients. At times when I don't change water for long time periods no fish dies. The timer turns on/off both CO2 regulator and lights together between noon and 9 pm daily. For a period I had pest snail infestation, but I could get rid of them completely with the addition of Assassin Snails. Now, due to food scarcity I have a soon to exctinct Assassin Snail colony. Red Cherry Shrimps are breeding and colonizing the tank. All plants are fluorishing thanks to optimal lighting, dissolved CO2 in water, added plant micro nutrients in water ...
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