วันเสาร์ที่ 27 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2555

65 gal. Reef tank with mangrove filtration

65 gal. Reef tank with mangrove filtration Tube. Duration : 1.02 Mins.

This tank has been running for 4 year using only activated carbon ( 24/7) and mangroves. Water changes are perfomed biweekly using Reef Salt from Seachem (20 gal). A pure milky solution of calcium hydroxide is added to the aquarium manually to replenish evaporated water (1 tsp. aprox. 1 gal per day) No other chemicals, skimmers, reactors or any other method of filtration is used. Fish load is kept to a minimum (5 fish) The leather coral in the center is 18" in diameter. A variety of LPS, SPS and soft corals are kept. The mangrove shoots are pruned as they grow, but when the reach the refugium light they are replaced with new shoots. The older plant are returned to different coastal areas around the Island. The aquarium is lit with 3 - 96W compact fluorescent bulbs. Kent marine Bio-sediment is used in the aquarium as well as in the refugium (3 inches) Fish are fed with dry foods only. Ocellaris clowns have been laying eggs every two weeks for the past 2 years.


Tags : Activated Carbon

